Sea Kayaking Kefalonia, Greece
greek language english language

Wir über uns...

Our team always tries to make sure that you have a great time. But in order to do that we first make sure that we have lots of fun ourselves! Everybody in the slideshow is part of the Sea Kayaking Kefalonia family!

Yvonne, Socotra island, Yemen

Wir, das sind Yvonne und Pavlos, die Besitzer von Sea Kayaking Kefalonia.
Gerne möchten wir Ihnen einige Informationen über uns selbst geben.

Yvonne Walser
Ich wurde in der Schweiz geboren und bin halb Schweizerin und halb Griechin. Aufgewachsen in der Schweiz, wo ich die Handelsschule absolvierte. 1994 entschied ich mich Griechenland zu entdecken und seitdem lebe ich hier. Ich gab Deutschstunden und war auch eine Zeit lang Reiseleiterin auf Kefalonia.

Meine Qualifikationen in Outdoor Aktivitäten sind REC (Rescue Emergency Care) Level 2, Tourenführerin für Explore, Erste Hilfe-Kurs beim Roten Kreuz, PADI Open Water Diver, und ein Führerschein für Motorboote. Ich bin auch eines von den Gründungsmitgliedern des ersten griechischen Sea Kayak Clubs.

Meine Leidenschaft sind Rucksackreisen und ich habe Länder wie Peru, Thailand, Vietnam, Indien, Nepal, China, Ägypten, Südafrika, Uganda, Ruanda, Tansanien, Kuba, Mexiko, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras, Costa Rica, Belize, Panama, Bolivien, Brasilien, Yemen, Kolumbien...besucht. Ich liebe es, die Länder genau kennenzulernen, also ihre Kultur, die Leute und die Tiere.

Meine Hobbies sind Sport (wandern, radfahren, skifahren, kajaken...), lesen u.v.m. Ich spreche Griechisch, Deutsch, Englisch, Spanisch und ein wenig Italienisch und Französich.

Pavlos Georgilas
Pavlos, paddling Egua river, Italian Alps Ich wurde in Griechenland geboren und besitze ein Universitätsdiplom als Elektroingenieur und ein Master in business administration. Meine Berufserfahrung hat mit Kundenmanagment in internationalen Firmen zu tun, wie Nestlé, Compaq Computers und Hewlett Packard.

Pavlos, Shibam, Yemen

In der Vergangenheit war ich ein Wasserpolospieler in einer der besten griechischen Teams. Seit 1996 ist Kajaken (Wildwasser und im Meer) meine Leidenschaft. Ich bin auch Mitglied des legendären TEAMadara, einer Gruppe von Wildwasserkajakern in griechischen und anderen Flüssen.

Meine Outdooraktivitäten sind unter anderem ein Diplom von BCU (British Canoe Union) 5 Star Sea Kayak, Level 3 UKCC Coach with Advanced Water Endorsement (Qualifikationen, die nur wenige Trainer auf der Welt besitzen), Sea Kayak Coach, professioneller Lifeguard, REC (Rescue Emergency Care) Level 2, einige Wildwasserkurse in Griechenland und in den Alpen, Tourenführer für Explore, PADI Open Water Diver, Segelboot- und einen Motorbootführerschein.

Weitere Hobbies sind Segeln, Apnea, Astronomie, Celestial Navigation, Scuba Diving, etc. Meine Reisen haben mich nach Asien, Afrika, Zentral-und Südamerika gebracht. Ausserdem bin ich eines von den Gründungsmitgliedern des ersten griechischen Sea Kayak Klubs. Ich spreche Griechisch, Englisch, Italienisch und ein wenig Französisch.

Harris Pliatsikas
Harris Pliatsikas ¡Hola amigos! I was born in Germany and raised in Trikala. As a young student at the Department of Software Engineering of Arta's Tecnological Educational Institute, I was introduced to kayaking by George A. Gazetas, neighbors at the time and as the years went by it became more than a hobby or a job: it became my passion. Sports and outdoor activities have always been an active part of my life, starting with football at the local clubs of the little league at the age of 9, moving to sea kayaking around the age of 18 and long distance running at the side for a time. I enjoy casual hiking in the woods, cycling around, and nature in general. I also work as a web designer. My other hobbies include playing some ukulele and observing the natural world from above, taking photos with my drone. I started working with Yvonne and Pavlos in 2017 as sea kayak guide, making trips around the island. Qualifications include BCU 3 star, HRC First Aid certified and BCU 4 star Sea Kayak Leaders Trainee.

Carl Minshall
Carl Minshall I was born in England, but due to my father’s occupation we travelled and lived in various locations in my childhood days such as Malta, Gibraltar and many areas within the UK. In my teens we moved to Kuwait where I lived for 3 years before returning to Northern Ireland which has been my home since. My background was Wholesaling alcohol in Northern Ireland (selling drink to the Irish...what a gift!). I still currently work for Jamesons whiskey on a temporary contract over the winter months each year. In 2011 I took up kayaking as a hobby and joined Belfast Kayak Club and am still a member today. This is where I did most of my training and developing my paddle skills and leading paddles for the club. I have attended Jeff Allens ISKGA incident management course and have my BCU sea kayak leader tidal water (old 4 star), Wilderness responder first aid, FSRT, Coastal navigation, 2-star river and open boating, Paddle sport instructor and RYA powerboat level 2. I got the opportunity to join the Sea Kayaking Kefalonia team in 2022 and have never looked back since. In my free time when I’m feeling active, I enjoy a bit of stand-up paddle boarding and walking and exploring around the wonderful island of Kefalonia. I love cooking up some tasty food and enjoying a glass of wine along with it.

Jan Pritchard
Jan Pritchard Half German half English I grew up living for the school holidays when we'd go camping, hiking, and paddling in the wild places of Europe as a family. After finishing school I travelled by bicycle for a while, savouring the freedom of the open road before committing to a fast track outdoor instructor training programme in Cornwall in the UK. Here I gained qualifications in lifeguarding, rock climbing, hiking, as well as of course sea kayaking. I have since guided on the rivers of France, the coasts of Sardinia and Rhodes, and spent 2 years running kids camps on a beach in Hong Kong. I love what nature has to offer us, my greatest desire being to simply spend as much time as possible being active in the great outdoors. If I'm not guiding I'm usually off on a wilderness adventure of my own, exploring the wild places I've not yet seen, either by boat, on foot, or on two wheels. I've since been back to Cornwall to complete my Sea Kayak Leader award but prefer to work here under the greek sun where the water is beautiful and warm!

George A. Gazetas
George Gazetas (George has been part of our team for over 10 years. He is running his own company now but he is still around running all the courses and being part of the team on and off).

I was born in Arta and raised in Athens. As a teenager my passion used to be kart racing and I had a tendency towards discovering inner aspects of racing biomechanics and motorsport engineering thus I followed studies in mechanical engineering. I lived part of my life in Khalkis (Euboea) and Corinth and travelled a lot mainly around Greece and abroad as well.

With its minimalistic nature, expedition orientations and potential, sea kayaking became soon a fascinating big part of my life.

I enjoy playing guitar and ukulele, climbing, trekking, cycling, camping in the wilderness, traveling with the motorcycle while listening to loud good music from my earphones…. Plus many more…

I ‘ve been working for years as a white water rafting trip leader and corporate event coordinator and assistant for a variety of outdoor activities and companies and for the summer of 2012 it is more of my pleasure to join Pavlos’ and Yvonne’s team in Kefalonia.

Qualifications include BCU(UKCC) coach level 1, trained Level 2, BCU 4 star leader sea, Long Term Paddler Development (I) Cert., Foundation Safety and Rescue Training Cert., BCU 3 star open canoe, Rescue 3 international swift water rescue technician (I), IRF trip leader class 3, HRC First Aid certified, HFMC - UIAA rock climber and member, Greek Army Special Forces Nurse Cert.

Vincent James Quirke (the real one!)
aka Se Se
(Se has been part of our team for over 10 years. He is now spending most of his time guiding in places like Antarctica and Ireland but he always finds some time to join and give a hand for part of the season!)
I was born in the south of Ireland. As a kid I spent most summer holidays travelling around Ireland and camping out with my family. I was always excited for these adventures and it probably inspired my decision later on in life to travel to new countries around the world and work in adventure sports. My studies began with 3D and classical animation. I graduated after 3 years and soon began to train on a one year outdoor sports course, earning qualification as a level 3 proficiency white water paddler, level 1 coach, as well as a level 3 proficiency sea kayaker under the ICU. Through Mountaineering Ireland I gained my single pitch award in trad climbing and coaching as well as a mountain skills award. Over the years I have built on my qualifications with a BCU sea kayak leader award, REC Level 5 Remote wilderness first aid (Red Cross), Coastal Navigation cert, Open boat level 2 skills, Powerboat license and river safety rescue 2. I have been very fortunate to have been able to travel to and work in some of the most beautiful locations on the planet and just as importantly to have worked with and befriended some of the most amazing people that I know, both work colleagues and clients. My paddle family grows more and more every year as does my knowledge as a result of this.

Voller Enthusiasmus leiten wir Sea Kayaking Kefalonia und freuen uns unsere Kunden zufriedenzustellen, was wir Ihnen auch gerne beweisen...